Get to know your DSO: Robert Hamaker, Percussion
What instrument do you play in DSO/what is your role in the orchestra?
Percussion/percussionist, stage and personnel manager.
How long have you played with DSO?
The first concert I played with Diablo was I think 1978.
Do you play any other instruments?
No, but percussion is a large family of instruments and I play most of them.
What is your City of Residence?
Walnut Creek.
What do you do for a living?
Professional musician.
Describe your family life (do you have a spouse, kids, pets?)
Married; currently we have two cats.
What has been your favorite concert to play at DSO and why?
I have no idea. There have been many favorites over the years.
What keeps you motivated?
My lovely wife, my love of music, and being in the creative process.
What is your favorite place to visit, or what is a place would you like to visit that you have never been?
My favorites are Sedona and Hawaii.
What song best sums you up? (Can be classical or not)
Can’t answer that, but something with lots of drums.
What are you proudest of?
Being proud is not one of my traits, but maybe the work I did on various solos I’ve done over the years.
“I’m happiest when…”
I’m creating music and when I’m in nature.
What is one thing that few people know about you?
That I’ve recorded a CD of healing music.
What is one piece of music you have always wanted to play at DSO, and why?
Don’t have an answer for that. But love most music by Bernstein or Copland, and don’t forget about Mahler.